Thursday, February 24, 2011

Do You Believe You Are Open-Minded?

Do you consider yourself to be an open-minded individual? Are you open and receptive to allowing others to express who they are, and to share their beliefs and opinions without fear or judgement on your part? Many of us claim to be such. Let me hear your thoughts on this!


  1. There's a difference between being open minded and being tolerant of others. Your definition of open minded is actually a definition of tolerance - to allow others to have a differing opinion without your criticism or judgment. Open minded, on the other hand, would seem to mean receptive to new ideas and perspectives, or willing to change one's opinion.
    In Bishop Spong's newsletter today he commented that he no longer engages in debates about gay rights, any more than he would do so about a flat earth. He is tolerant, as in non-combative, about homophobia, but definitely not open minded on the subject. Does that make sense?

  2. I think that most people believe that they are "open minded". But do our actions and words really reflect that we are "open minded", no, I don't belive they do.
    Our country is more polarized today since the days of the Civil War Era. Republicans and Democrats yeell and use their pulpits to divide us even further.
    We want to believe that we are respectful of others, but then why is America almost evenly divided about civil rights and marriages for the GLBTG community?
    When we see a muslim in their dress, do we mutter or think something negative? Are we respectful of their religion, and are we respectful of even our own different sects within our Christian religions?
    So, before you say you are "open minded", just think for a moment what that really means.

  3. Wes makes an interesting point. I've had an issue with the term "tolerant" lately. To me, being tolerant of someone else's viewpoint means putting up with it... as if you were simply tolerating a tooth ache until it goes away or you get the tooth pulled.

    There's a saying, "open your mind - but not so far that your brains fall out." It is much easier to believe what you are told and smile politely and ignore what you don't want to hear, rather than to wake up, open your mind and think for yourself. It took me 40 years to realize, however, that opening your mind and thinking for yourself is true freedom.

    So... do I consider myself open minded? Much more so than I was ten years ago, but still working on it every day.

  4. wes made a very good point about the difference between open mindedness and tolerance, and i completely agree with what bishop spong said. i refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person! ;o) minds are like parachutes - they only function when open!

  5. defines being "Open minded" as
    having or showing a mind receptive to new ideas or arguments unprejudiced; unbigoted; impartial.

    I have given much thought to this very subject myself. I like to think of it as being "teachable". I am open to new thoughts and ideas while at the same time I am protective of my own right to think and believe as I believe without being judged and criticized by others.
