Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So What - Now What?

"that was then, this is now." "So what. Now what?" Ashley Judd

Where do we spend most of our time? Where would you say your attention is focused? Past, present or future? We have been talking a lot lately about "our stories" and how addicted and mesmerizing those tales can be for us. Unaware, for the most part that we weave such emotion through the retelling of them that we literally become entranced and enthralled with reliving how we were hurt, misled, wounded or even abused. Why is that? Why do we feel so compelled to tell something to others that was a source of great pain and unhappiness?

Often times we may tell our stories in an attempt to gain something. What?, you ask? Well, lets think about it for a moment. When we feel the need to tell stories where we have been taken advantage of or hurt by others, this may be our crying out for attention and sympathy in our attempt to be loved and nurtured. The retelling of these events from that stance screams and validates the often hidden core belief of being a victim and the belief that we see ourselves as being helpless.

Imagine for a moment that when we wander back into our stories of what was or our past, that we could simply view the memories from a new perspective of seeking to gain wisdom and strength from that which we survived and overcame. This kind of willingness, this kind of mind set shifts us from that place of helplessness, into a place of power and enlightenment. Today I look back on those memories of events, people and challenges that I recall as having been painful and I own what is mine, I own my stuff, my behavior, my willingness to play the games that I have played, and I lovingly say to myself -So what. Now what?

Am I willing to move on? Am I willing to process, heal and rise above my old stories? And should I feel the desire to tell them, yet again.... I will tell them with a new twist, a new vibration of how I grew, how I became a better, clearer person because of those days. I will empower not only myself, but others along the journey. Our real joy is in this now sacred moment. Step into your fullness and be a light to the world around you by writing a whole new story of who you are, and who you are becoming.


Rev. Jamie