Thursday, February 24, 2011

Do You Believe You Are Open-Minded?

Do you consider yourself to be an open-minded individual? Are you open and receptive to allowing others to express who they are, and to share their beliefs and opinions without fear or judgement on your part? Many of us claim to be such. Let me hear your thoughts on this!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Positive Social Networking:

Ahhhhhh.... What church do you go to?
Rev. Jamie

Many of you know I'm an active Facebook user and am friends with many other Facebook people from not only our congregation, but from around the world. I am often amazed at the choice of words individuals use when posting their current status, but especially New Thought people themselves!

Let me be clear here when I say, that I know how challenging it can be to be mindful of every word spoken throughout our day, but when we post our words for millions of people to read, we must be clear that we are sending out a vibration that literally is reaching the masses.

The power of the spoken word is more powerful than I believe most have come to grasp. Each time I speak a negative statement or have a negative thought, I am setting myself up for that which I spoke of. Mindfulness is the key in all area's of our lives. What am I saying? What am I thinking and what vibration am I spewing over others and myself?

If you are a negative poster on Facebook, one of two things take place, I will either post back on your page "Ahhhh... What church do you go to?" or after awhile I will lovingly bless and release you from my list of friends.
Understand that this doesn't mean I don't love you, or that I no longer like you, but I choose to not have your post showing on my page for others to read. Same goes for the people I choose to surround myself with; If you are not one who empowers me, inspires me or brings me joy, I lovingly choose to step away from all negative energy. I desire to be surrounded by individuals who uplift me and call me to be more than I have ever been, in ways that are positive and nurturing to myself and the world.

So the question is my friends, are you being a positive influence in the world this day? Are you a person of positive power and hope, or are you a "Negative Nellie" that people scatter and run from? Change your thinking, change your speaking and become the powerful, loving change you desire to see!

Namaskar' (I behold the Spirit in you)
Rev. Jamie

Telling Ourselves the Truth!

There is something about knowing the truth that makes you responsible for determining what you do next!" Iyanla Vanzant

Have you ever had to face the truth about something that you knew might rattle the very core of your being? Sometimes in life we tend to avoid having to look at things that have been placed in the shadows because we are simply afraid to face whatever they may be. Our fear is that if we talk about it, look at it, or even begin to deal with it, someone might know that we have stuff. Isn't it amazing that we become more concerned with how we look to the world and less about how we may be really feeling?

Hiding our pain or not facing something that is literally bursting at the seams to spill out into the light can cause great stress and even anxiety. "What will the neighbors think ?"was one of the reoccurring statements and fears in my home when growing up. I do believe we must be mindful in how we present ourselves to life overall, but not to the point that we would avoid healing something, or facing something because we are worried what others might think of us. When we become so consumed with how we appear to others, more so than what is in our best and highest interest, something is totally gotten out of whack!

The Bible tells us that the Truth shall set us free. True freedom comes from looking at what we know is the truth, dealing with what requires attention and getting on with doing what must be done to step back into full alignment and wholeness within ourselves. The world might still whisper about our day to day dramas we triumphantly survive , but what a respectful, self sustaining, powerful spiritual being we will be remembered for having been! Tell yourself the Truth... No matter what and watch what becomes of it!


Rev. Jamie