Wednesday, July 20, 2011

But empty or full I've carried my pail, you don't drink the water if you don't dig the well.... I was gonna be rich no matter how much it cost. I 'uz gonna win no matter how much I lost. - Dolly Parton

You've heard the ol' saying that attitude is everything, right? Well, in reality it is. Often times life may appear to be stacked against us, but when we check out the Truth of the situation, the stacking we believe we find before us, was done single-handedly by none other than ourselves. Our attitudes and beliefs are powerful forces that are so strong that they become our way of living, thinking, and acting out.
If you believe in lack (not enough-ness of any kind) then your body, mind, and spirit lives in that energy and
vibration working like a magnet to attract that which you focus upon. Pretty simple really, Thoughts held in mind, reproduce after their kind. Now most of us like to think we are pretty clear on our Truth principles, but I ask you to look around at your world and affairs and see if you are working your principles in the world, or is the world working you?

If we are being worked by the world (outer things) we tend to be tired, stressed, and never satisfied. No one is doing things right enough, fast enough, good enough, and so on. When we are working our Truth principles (our inner Truth) we show up calmer, more centered, forgiving,
compassionate, and loving. Thoughts of not enough are few and far between and we see life as being an
opportunity rather than filled with unfairness and darkness.

You can't live an abundant life when you are not giving of yourself, your time, or your love. Yes people, that includes your money substance to the people and places where you receive spiritual comfort and nourishment. I am always taken back by those who keep waiting for the windows of heaven to fly open and hand them the winning lottery ticket, or a million dollars. And yet, they themselves
begrudge giving to the homeless, or world organizations that serve others, let alone their own churches, which are there to love and support them in times of healing and awakening.

It is time to grasp this teaching: I
How many ways can we hear it before we get it? If I don't have love in my experience, it is because I'm not giving love out in my experience. If I don't have enough money substance, it is because I'm not willing to share that which I do have with others. If my body is not aligned with wholeness, it cannot be whole. If my body, mind, and spirit are not aligned with the spirit of
kindness and giving, I cannot live an abundant, joy-filled, truly satisfied
existence. (I suggest you read and
reread this section again and again.)

You can't drink the water, Dolly says, if you don't dig the well. Now how deep is that, baby? Think on these things. What are you bringing to the table of life? If you were hungry would you wanna eat it?

Powerful Spiritual Being
(you know this is who you are called to be) step into your truth!

Rev. Jamie

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